chemistry project lisa carroll

metal- a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile,with good electrical and thermal conductivity. Non-metal-an element or substance that is not a metal. Metalloids-an element whose properties are intermediate between those of metals and solid nonmetals.they are electrical semiconductors. Protons- a part of the nueclius of an element that has a positive charge.Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table which shows many different elements and shows the atomic number and the atomic mass.
Atomic mass- the number that is shown under the element symbol. Atomic number-the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which determines the chemical properties of an element and its place in the periodic table.You can tell how many electrons there are by finding out what row the element is in.
Electrons are the negative part of the nueclius of an atom.
Burning wood in a fire is an example of a chemical reaction because the wood is burning and is becoming ashes .
A part or aspect of something abstract, especially one that is essential or Characteristic.


Created with images by FontShop - "Periodic Table of Font Elements 1.1" • - "Transition_Metals_Periodic_table" • Science Activism - "021 Scandium - Periodic Table of Elements" • NIAID - "Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)" • janutskas - "fire bonfire element" • hyku - "Honda Element"

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