I am a(an) Black woman; hijabi Muslimah; scholar; activist; writer; wife; mother; grandmother; othermother; American. My ancestors were enslaved Africans brought to the United States. I learn from, research, and teach Black women’s histories and cultures, and ways that our experiences, pedagogies, dispositions, and views of the world converge and diverge. My work disrupts systems and structures that render my communities both invisible and hyper-visible.
My background in education includes teaching, administration, and curriculum-development for thousands of students in grades K-16.
I authored curricula for the films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In.
I am an Interim Associate Dean and Associate Professor in the College of Education at Sacramento State University.
Commitment to Cultural Humility
I tell my students that cultural humility will not only help them to become better teachers, but it will also help them become better human beings.
Wherever you are, stand against hate.
I'm appreciative and glad for the work that Dr. Norris helped us do today and the info she shared. I liked the tone she set and the honest interactions she inspired.-elementary school teacher
I come from a long line of Black educators and teachers starting with my mom, Brenda Harker, who was an English professor at Laney College in Oakland, CA for over 30 years.
My dad, Shaykh Musa, may he rest in heaven, was my greatest teacher. It's because of him that social justice education is in my blood.
I write, teach, research about and advocate for equity for girls and women from nondominant communities in general, and Black Women and girls in particular.
Recent Articles
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Norris, A., & Kwanele, B., (2021) (Un)Hidden Grief and Loss Inform the Movement for Black Lives. Retrievable from https://repository.usfca.edu/ijhre/vol5/iss1/9/
- Raygoza, M., Norris, A., Leon, R., (2021). UnHidden: The voices of teacher education scholars on disrupting, transforming, and healing toward an antiracist world. AILACTE Journal.
- Howell, D., Norris, A., & Williams, K., (2019) Toward Black Gaze Theory: How Black Female Teachers Make Black Students Visible
- Controversial Issues in Child Development
- Race, Identity, and Culture in Urban Schools
- Urban Education
Graduate and Teaching Credentials
- Foundations of African American Literacy
- Ethnic Studies in Education
- Advanced Fundamentals of Teaching
- Critical Multiculturalism
- Classroom Inquiry Project Culminating Experience
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
Expanding Girl Power by Design: Continuing to Broaden Participation in High School Information and Computer Science Pathways,
$1,000,000 from October 2021- September 2024
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
EAGER-Black Women Work: Broadening Participation of Black Girls in Computer Science Careers
Girl Power by Design: Broadening Participation in High School Information and Computer Science Pathways
$600,000 for September 2019-August 2021
Books and Book Chapters
- Norris, A., Lizárraga, J.R., & Elsinbawi, M. (forthcoming). When I See You, I See Me: Reciprocal Recognition in Intergenerational Collaborations. In C. Olatunji, C. Southwell, & D. Lewis (Eds.) Blessed Positionality: Reimagining Black Women’s Positioning.
- 3. Rodriguez, N., Norris, A., Allender, D., (forthcoming) Towards Critical Amplification:#SandraBland, #BreonnaTaylor, & Transmedia Storytellers on Twitter. Media Crease, Color of New Media Working Group, University Press.
- Innocent American Life. In Our Stories in Our Voices (1st Ed.). Kendall Hunt Publishing 3. Norris, A. (2017)
- Sisterhood in Service Curriculum: Strong Women Mentor Strong Girls
- Sex and the City 2: The Black Body Commodified. In Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric and Reader (2nd Ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing
- The Mask You Live In Digital Curriculum for K-16 Students
- Miss Representation Digital Curriculum for K-16 Students
Peer Reviewed Presentations and Invited Talks
- Russo-Tait, T., Norris, A., & Rodriguez, N. A. F. (2019, November) “Consider the Flip Side”: Encounters with Friendly-Fire Racism and Sexism in CS Learning Environment, American Studies Association Conference, Envisioning Educational Futures Disrupting Antiblackness and Settler Colonialism in STEM Education Paper Panel presentation, Honolulu, HI
- Norris, A (2019, November) #Identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation, Book Release Panelist, American Studies Association Conference, Honolulu, HI
- Howell, D. A., Norris, A., & Williams, K. L. (2019, April) Toward Black Gaze Theory How Black Female Teachers Make Black Students Visible, AERA Annual Meeting Division K Poster Session, Toronto, Canada
- Norris, A., Madkins, T. C., Russo-Tait, T., & Rodriguez, N. A. F. (2019, April) Confusion and Empowerment: How Girls Contend with Racism and Sexism in Computer Science, AERA Annual Meeting, Paper Session “From Double Dutch to the Double Bind: Examinations of Dual Marginalization of Black Girls in Educational Contexts,” Toronto, CanadaRoss, D. L., Norris, A., Jin, Yi. (2018, June)
- Incorporating Making into University Courses for Teachers. Talk given at CSU Maker Convening, Sonoma State University
- Sessoms, D., Norris, A., Harper, A., & Merrifield, E. (2018, May) Engaging Faculty in Makerspace Curriculum Development Using the Faculty/Professional Learning Community Model.
- Madkins, T. C., & Norris, A. (2018, March). “I felt empowered!”: A culturally relevant computing approach for engaging girls.
- Norris, A. (2017, November) #Identity by The Color of New Media.
Contact Me
Academic Website
Social Media
@unhiddenvoices on IG