Digital Art Portfolio Austin roy

This is a sentence made from a page of a book. The hardest part was making it make sense.
This is a picture of a baseball that makes a "B". The hardest part was making the baseball.
This is a silhouette of a wolf. The hardest part was putting the words in the body.
This is a picture of a duck drawn with words. The hardest part was shaping the image to make the duck.
This is an image of the top 4 sports. The hardest part was putting the images in the words.
This is an image of my name with things that describe me. The hardest part was making sure you could see the picture in the image.
I did Wanda because Ben did Cosmo. The hardest part was changing the colors.

This is Yadier Molina and the hardest part was getting the colors right.

This is a picture of 3D shapes. The hardest part was smearing it right to make it look 3D.

This is a picture of a pizza.

This is my first project it was hard because i didn't know what i was doing.

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