Equality In Jacksonville A Community Problem

In the problem of equality in jacksonville, there are some areas of the community that benefit from city resources more than others. This creates disparity and is the antithesis of equality. The inequality can come from people moving around and causing overcrowding, or stressing public resources, such as schools.

In order to combat this, the government monitors where people are located and tries to allocate resources in turn. This is called a census and it is taken every four years. The problem, however, is that a lot can happen in those four years and people can move more than once, or an area can become vastly overcrowded or deserted in those four years, before the government can react and allocate resources more equally. My solution is to use something that everyone has with them in order to benefit the community and promote equality.

Everyone has a cellphone these days, so my solution is to create a mobile census app that would allow residents to self report on What area they live in, and their perceived quality of life, as well as income level and even comment on what they believe that their community needs to have implemented in order to better serve the community.

This way, the government, does not need to wait for census data before starting a plan of action for the community and how they should distribute resources. This can be further expanded to help the government figure out where jobs are desperately needed in the community. By monitoring income levels in a given area and comparing them to other areas, the government might give tax deductions to businesses that open up in the lower income areas to help increase the equality in those areas.

While this would not fix the issue of inequality outright, it would be a step in the right direction and help ease disparity caused by inequality in jacksonville. Mobile apps are easily developed and can be run on a wide variety of mobile devices, and would have the chance to be used my a large percentage of the community, allowing us to gain insight on how wealth and people are dispersed throughout a community.


Created with images by STVIOD - "cambridge building structure" • Edgard86 - "School" • Lieutenant Pol - "school" • Eric Fischer - "Contiguous United States, Census 2000" • Carissa GoodNCrazy - "My cellphone" • voltamax - "industrial security logistic" • Fran Urbano - "Homeless Sales" • Swan44 - "jacksonville downtown florida skyline"

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