
Mr. Spencer Kiper ED 202 ePortfolio

Welcome to ED 202!

Introduction to Your ED 202 Key Artifact

I'm Spencer Kiper, your ED 202: Introduction to Educational Technology instructor. We've come a long way in our time together, and it's time to begin building your key artifact for this course: your Educational Technology ePortfolio. For your artifact, you will be building a site that will showcase your growth and achievement throughout this course. Follow the instructions in the sections below to build your ePortfolio. You will be visiting your site many times throughout the rest of this semester, adding new components to it.

Part One: About Me

Section One: Your Personal Educational Philosophy

Begin by introducing yourself, as well as your educational and personal history. In this section, add details about your professional goals in the field of education. Use your answers to the questions below to build your educational philosophy.

Your Educational philosophy is the cornerstone of what makes the teacher you, well, you.
  • What is the grander role that educators play in their communities?
  • What, specifically, is the role of the teacher in a classroom?
  • How do you plan to impact student learning and achievement?
  • How do you believe students learn best?
  • How do you plan to meet the emotional needs of students?
  • Do you believe that all students can learn?
  • What are qualities of an "effective" teacher?
  • What is your overall goal as a teacher?

Section Two: Your Educational Technology Philosphy

Different from your general philosophy on education, your educational technology philosophy should serve as your personal plan to how you will guide students through the technology-rich world. In this section, provide evidence of your educational technology philosophy using the questions below for framework.

  • What responsibilities do educators have in regard to technology and professional growth?
  • What place, in your opinion, does technology have in the classroom?
  • How do you plan to impact student learning and achievement with technology?
  • What steps will you take to ensure students are able to safely navigate the technology around them?
Created By
Spencer Kiper

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