I Hear America Crying By Jesse & Isa

I see disappointment in America, the varied choices that Americans have made,
Those of Americans, each one crying on the choices of others,
The American people, let down by the fact that the coke a cola company sold their products to the Nazis,
The American people, let down by the fact that Henry Ford had sewed the united states for destroying their Nazi tank making facility and won,
The American people, let down by the fact that Ford had also made all the Nazis trucks,
The American people, let down by the fact that I G Farben and standard oil Supported the Nazis,
The American people, let down by the fact that The us government knew that all of this was going on,
The American people, let down by the fact that standard oil had kept fueling the Nazis Vehicles,
The American people, let down by the fact that Shell gave millions of tons of crude oil to the Nazis for nothing,
The American people, let down by the fact that Standard oil and I G Farben had supplied the Nazis with the Zyklon B gas,
Each American being uninformed and unknowing from the worst part of all,
the day that realize that in a way the united states people supported the killing of the Jews in a way,
One day when we the people know the truth behind these terrific tragedies I will see them cry.

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