Biomedical Engineer Abigail Burchett | 2nd period


Biomedical engineers can oversee the manufacturing process of drugs and other products and they find ways that technology can treat or alleviate biological or medical problems.

Work Conditions and Environment

Biomedical engineers most often work in a research lab but can work in an office, plant, clinic, hospital, and some times a workshop. They work standard 40 hour work weeks, but sometimes longer to meet a deadline.

Job Outlook

Biomedical engineering has a pretty good future outlook for workers. Their projected growth as of 2014 is 23%. Between 2014 and 2024 this career will have added around 5,100 employees, if not more.


In order to be a biomedical engineer you have to have a Bachelors Degree in either chemical engineering or electrical engineering. Most people also take "pre-med" classes.

Colleges Nearby that Offer this Degree

University of Kentucky and Spencerian College in Lexington

University of Kentucky


Biomedical engineers earn an annual pay of $91,230. The top ten percent earn $139,520 or more. The bottom ten percent earn $51,480 or less. You can never guarantee how much you will earn in this career.

Why I Chose This Career

I chose this career because it seemed like a very interesting job to have. I could build robotic prosthetics and help people not be in a lot of pain.

Robotic Prosthetic Hand

Study Skills I Could Improve

Math, Science, Reading, Mechanics


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