AVID Elective Teacher & Coordinator Newsletter march 2017

As we prepare to welcome Spring, schools are buzzing with excitement and preparing for state exams. As we move forward in the AVID elective class remember our focus is to support our students to be college ready. The relationship between you and your students has a profound impact on academic success. By increasing the "relational capacity" and providing a college-going culture you are helping students feel connected and you are transforming the educational environment. The work you do each day, truly makes a difference. Take a moment to reflect on what you can do to continue to improve your student/teacher relationships and impact student achievement. Remember each and everyday counts! Thank you for everything! Michele

Driscoll MS 8th AVID Club students went to Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi to watch the Women's basketball game and eat at the dining hall. The Islander's basketball team had visited Driscoll early in the school year and met the 8th grade students. The Islander's appreciated the students coming out and supporting them so much that Coach Glover is receiving free tickets for his student to attend and support the ladies as they play again on March 4, 2017. What an amazing group of athletics and students. #Inspiring
Ray HS AVID student gets AVID PATCH for his letterman jacket!

Tutorology Reflection--Please take time to reflect on your tutorials. Are tutorials consistently occurring twice a week in your AVID class? Are you utilizing the Tutorial Analysis Guide (TAG) to determine a focus and a goal for your AVID students? Are you building a positive environment where students feel safe to be vulnerable if they don't know an answer to a question? Have you review questions stems to support inquiry? Are you doing AVID claps after each presentation? Are you building capacity? The PROCESS is key and the focus. If you are using previous STAAR test questions to support math, please do not use 2014 or below. The TEKS changed and only 2015 and forward are relevant. Work with your core subject teachers to find out what topics the students are struggling with and encourage questions from all subject areas. If you need support or feedback on your tutorials, please send me an e-mail and I will stop by.

Just a few pictures of tutorials in action at Martin MS, Kaffie MS, South Park MS and Baker MS

THANK YOU to Cunningham Middle School for hosting the area AVID District Director meeting. Principal Sandy Deleon shared Cunningham Middle School story and guided the classroom observation tours. District Directors were able to observe ELA, math, and social studies, and AVID elective classrooms where they saw WICOR in action. Below are just a few pictures from our visit.

On the left Principal Deleon welcoming the AVID District Directors and on the right Mrs. Morgan's ELA class participating in Philosophical Chairs.
Above is Hamlin MS AVID site team meeting in action. Please remember to invite me to your meetings and I will attend if my schedule allows.

AVID Recruitment and Application Process: Please make sure that you are meeting to review the 2017-2018 recruitment and application process on your campus. AVID needs to be on the campus choice sheet, students complete AVID application, and campus interviews held. Remember 90% of your AVID students should meet the criteria of "Student in the Middle". If you have questions, please e-mail me.

AVID Coordinators--AVID Certification Binders: Whether you chose to keep a paper binder or an electronic binder it is time to get them ready. I will be setting meeting dates at the end of March and throughout the month of April to review your AVID certification binder. Please have your AVID site team support you with this task. You must meet the criteria for Level 1 before you can move up the continuum. If any items are missing, you will have until Friday, May 5, 2017 to fill in any missing evidence pieces. I do ask that you have your materials organized by the 11 Essentials and if you have multiple AVID teacher you need evidence that each teacher meets the AVID Essential criteria. An example: AVID Essential 5.3: To meet Certification Standards at a Level 1: AVID student use agenda, calendars or planners to keep track of coursework and non-academic activities. Another example: Essential 7.3: To meet Certificaiton Standards at a Level 1: AVID students are learning to use Philosophical Chairs discussions and Socratic Seminar strategies in the AVID Elective class. Remember evidence pieces can include pictures, work samples, lesson plans, or items listed on the certification document.

AVID Summer Institute will be in San Antonito July 12-14, 2017. Information will be coming to your campus soon.

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