Gene Food Consistency Feed youR genes

The universal creator places every species or humans with everything needed to support their biological lives whether it be in Africa, Asia, or Europe.

Gene food consistency is food that nourishes, complements, and promotes good health for one race of people, but may not necessarily do so for another race of people.

Boichemically, our bodies ethnically are different
You would not feed a gorilla polar bear's food because a gorilla does not eat flesh and blood.

You would not feed a polar bear gorilla's food because a polar bear does not eat a plant based diet.

No one is better, we are simply different.

According to Pavialo in his book " how to get well," if your ancestors are of African descent, your body was not design to process meat and dairy.

This difference of not being able to properly digest milk, which made most black people lactose intolerant has never been questioned.

If you are of Caucasian descent, your body biologically produces more sulfur.

Sulfur is a tricky chemical, it can freezes under extremely high temperatures. Sulfur can freezes in a oven of 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gene Food Consistency, no one is better, but we are simply different.

Created By


Created with images by Hans - "gorilla monkey view" • Rojer - "100_6224 Before" • renaissancechambara - "African sculptures" • chinezeks - "africa child african" • Picsues - "statue music sculpture" • Free the Image - "The ice man." • Rusty Clark - "Volusia County Courthouse, Deland FL"

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