Victory & the US Emergence Kunal Dutta, Spencer Lindquist, Rose Deswal, Janelle Gruss

What catalyzed American hegemony and how did the nation’s global role change after World War II?

Postwar Settlements

  • Paris Peace Treaties (1947)
  • Developed the United Nations
  • Further peace settlements [Potsdam Agreement, Treaty of San Francisco, General Treaty]

Foreign Policy

Decolonization: W. Europe loses hold of colonies

Containment: provided financial aid, overthrew communist leaders (i.e. Castro), sponsored democratic conversion

Militarization: US formed Department of Defense, National Security Council, CIA

US became a worldwide mediator

Economic Expansion

  • American exceptionalism
  • Opened nations to free trade
  • Large corporations move overseas
  • G.I. Bill
  • Truman's Fair Deal

Marshall Plan

  • Aimed to rebuild Western Europe
  • offered econ. aid to rebuild war-ravaged infrastructure
  • Prevented growth of Communism


Sense of uniformity: Red Scare helped justify fear of Communism

Rise of consumerism: new advances in tech (televisions, vacuum, A/C, etc)

Baby Boomer generation: higher birth rates, more involvement in life & leisure time

Cold War

  • overwhelming sentiment to quell spread of Communism
  • Marshall Plan, NATO, Truman Doctrine
  • Intervention in conflicts, nations

Major Themes/Concepts

  1. Support of anti-Communism
  2. Unilateral culture
  3. US took advantage of poor conditions
  4. Complete shift from traditionalism

Sources Used


Created with images by chadh - "Iwo Jima at night" • manhhai - "1969-1973 Vietnam War Peace Talks & Conferences" • Pexels - "american flag flag flagpole"

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