Biogeochemical Cycles Marine Science 2nd Block

Water Cycle

The water cycle is the constant circulation of earth's water through the processes of Evaporation and Precipitation. Evaporation is the process of liquid being turned into a vapor. Precipitation is the rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.

Chemical Reactions

There are no occurrences of chemical reactions in the water cycle.

Organic and Inorganic Components

Impact of Human Intervention

Some things that are affecting the water cycle that humans have caused are Irrigation, Urbanization, Combustion, and deforestation.

Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen cycle is the process of which nitrogen is converted into other chemical forms. This includes nitrogen fixation, denitrification, nitrification, nitrogen mineralization, and nitrogen uptake.

Chemical Reactions

Nitrogen Fixing N2 -> NH4+

Ammonification N2-> NH4+

Nitrification NH4+ -> NO3-

Denitrification NO3 -> N2 + N2O

Human Intervention

A major human made intervention of this cycle is the ruining of aquatic ecosystems with the addition of nitrates to water through agricultural run off from sewage

The burning of fossil fuels is a large source of nitric oxide which returns as acid rain

Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle is the processes of which carbon is put into the environment. It is taken in through photosynthesis and returned to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of organisms, and burning fossil fuels.

Chemical Reactions

Carbon attached to oxygen (CO2) with help from sun through photosynthesis CO2 is pulled from the air to make food for plants

Human Interference

Humans can interfere with the carbon cycle through the burning of fossil fuels and combustion

Phosphorus Cycle

The phosphorus cycle is the movement of phosphorus through rocks, water, soil, sediments, and organisms. Rain causes weathering of rocks which leads to the release of phosphate ions into soil.

Chemical Reactions

Substitution - 1 group of phosphorus is replaced by another

Oxidation- Oxidation state of phosphorous increases after the reaction

Addition- Another molecule adds to phosphorous

Elimination- 1 molecule leads to 2 molecules

Oxidative- combines oxidation and addition

Human Intervention

The main source of human intervention is through commercial fertilizer. This leads leads to eutrophication which is the process of water receiving excessive plant growth.

Another source of human intervention is cutting down rain forest

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