Harn Museum of Art Ali Murman

Louise Bourgeois: Ode à l'Oubli - Book, hand-sewn and stitched cloth with lithography

Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist

I love the piece of artwork for several reasons. First, I like how many different pieces come together to form a whole. I like how each piece tells part of a story. I like the color palette that was used in the artwork as well. There is great movement in all of the different pieces. It is random, yet organized. The medium was unique because each piece is hand-stitched. I like how it relates to the life of the artist who grew up helping her family with a tapestry restoration business.

Intra-Action Exhibit

Design in the Museum

This was my favorite exhibit because of the layout and content. First, I loved the minimalistic design of this part of the museum. It really drew all the attention to the art work. I learned that less than 4% of the artists in the Modern Art section at the Met are women. I like how this exhibit shed light on that problem. It also took steps to fix it by creating an entire exhibit solely focused on women's artwork.

Sebastião Salgado: Three girls holding hands, Sertão da Paraíba, Brazil - Gelatin silver print

Art and Core Values

This piece of artwork appeals to my core value of community. These three girls are holding hands and are braving the difficulties of life together. Although they appear very solemn, I'm sure they are very important to each other. When battling poverty and political oppression I'm sure meaningful relationships mean everything. I also like how the artist was able to bring attention to these problems with his work.

Yvonne Jacquette: Chelsea Composite II - Oil on Linen

Art and the Good Life

To me, this piece of art work symbolizes the good life. This piece reminds me of my trip to New York City with my mother. It stirs up memories of travel and happiness. I love the liveliness in the city. It's amazing how all the lights in New York City make the night time look like day time. To me, this artwork symbolizes an exciting life with hustle, bustle, and change.

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