Not so "Beginning Art" By: Noah Broersma

Picture of trump

Intro: This is my first art class I have ever taken. I've never even tried to draw anything in my life, so coming to this class I knew nothing about art. In class I learned how to make shadows but I still don't know how to draw lines and different shapes.

Blind contour drawings is when we had to draw our hand with out looking.

And contour lines is when we drew the hand and had to draw the lines on the hand.

Negative and positive is when we had to draw a picture with one half positive and another negative. I drew a butterfly.

Before hand

After hand

I haven't really learned how to draw the hand better but I've learned to make the shadow and the hand pop out more. And how to make it look like it's real.

Profile: This is a picture that I drew of myself. I've never drew in my life and I think it turned out pretty good.

The stippling is when we had to make dots to make shapes and shadows.

The scratch board is when we took a knife and scratched a board to make a picture.

2 point perspective: we had to draw a wall with a corner.

Before self portrait

After self portrait

Ribbon drawing

This semester of art class was ok. What I learned was how to make shadows and some challenges I faced were not knowing how to draw anything.

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