Timed "Abandoned farmhouse poem"

A person with habits, says the time set on the alarm.

Organization is a practiced skill, says the orderliness of the book shelf set in the corner of the room.

School is a top priority, says the amount of papers on the desk ready to be worked on.

Bed making not so much a priority, says the bungled blankets on the bed.

He has a loss of time, says the long settled dust resting upon the guitar.

A person of the newest tech, says the computer and PlayStation around the room.

Someone older lives with him, says the China vases scattered around the house.

Not strict on keeping money, says the lack of cash in the piggy bank.

He procrastinates more than usual, says the pile of dirty dishes still left in sink.

Time is essential, says the red clock slowly ticking away on the wall.

A note taker, says the stack of sticky notes stuck onto the desk.

A master of multitasking, says the homework set up next to the tv and with a phone set aside on the table.

A creative person, says the high quality drawings left in the desk, but

not enough time to finish them, says the gaps in detail on the drawings.

Time is a thing that is loss with these, he says.

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