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Exam Preparation Guide: Adobe Marketo Engage - Certified Professional AD0-E555


The Adobe Certified Professional- Adobe Marketo Engage Professional exam preparation guide provides candidates with information they need to prepare for the certification exam.

Adobe certification exams are developed with the participation of subject matter experts worldwide, following industry standards in developing fair and valid tests. Visit our FAQ page for more information.

Exam Guide Sections

  • Minimum candidate experience
  • Intended audience
  • Exam information
  • Exam objectives and scope
  • Readiness self-assessment
  • Sample questions
  • How to prepare for the exam

Minimum Candidate Experience

The Adobe Marketo Engage Professional is considered an entry level role and has approximately 6 months’ hands-on experience. The candidate should have the ability to understand the marketing needs expressed by task requirements in order to apply a technical solution.

At a minimum, the candidate seeking to become certified as an Adobe Marketo Engage Professional has

  • Ability to build a simple program from beginning to end
  • Ability to create a Smart List and Smart Campaign
  • Know-how of creating segmentations
  • Understanding of Data review (cleanup)
  • Understanding of Database (how to create people, Activity Log, unsubscribe, Blocklist, email invalid concepts)
  • Ability to understand the importance of privacy regulations
  • Know-how of using assets
  • Ability to Design Studio (uploading/replacing images and files)
  • Understanding of Email marketing

The candidate ready to take this test has familiarity with the following tools and technologies:

  • Adobe Marketo Engage
  • Excel or Google Sheets/Docs

Intended Audience

The exam is intended for candidates with broad experience in Adobe Marketo. Typical roles of candidates preparing for this certificate include:

  • Campaign Operations Specialist / Coordinator
  • Database Marketing Manager / Specialist / Coordinator
  • Demand Generation Roles
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Email Marketing Associates / Coordinators
  • Event Organizers / Coordinators
  • Marketing Automation Roles
  • Marketing Generation Roles
  • Marketing Campaign Roles
  • Marketing Communication Roles
  • Marketing Operations Specialist / Coordinator
  • Marketing Technology Coordinator / Specialist / Associate
  • Marketing Team Members

Exam Information

  • Exam number: AD0-E555
  • Exam name: Adobe Marketo Engage Professional
  • Certificate level: Certified Professional
  • Available languages: English
  • Number of questions: 55
  • Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select
  • Duration: 110 minutes
  • Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
  • Passing mark: 36/55
  • Price: $125 USD / $95 USD (India)

Exam Objectives and Scope

Section 1: Building and Managing Programs (39%)

  • Identify when to use each of the 4 program types.
  • Identify why/when to use the Event Program.
  • Identify why/when to use the Default Program.
  • Identify the special features of Engagement Program.
  • Identify the special features of Email Program.
  • Recognize what can be cloned.
  • Identify the benefits of custom tags.
  • Identify the purpose of channels.
  • Describe the importance of period costs.
  • Recognize the concept of using person scoring.
  • Understand communication limits.
  • Recognize program membership and acquisition.
  • Understand customer communication preferences.
  • Apply best practices for review prior to launch.

Section 2: Building Assets (19%)

  • Manipulating files in Design Studio (uploading/replacing images and files).
  • Create/Modify a form using the Form Editor.
  • Create/Edit an email using the Email Editor.
  • Create/Edit a landing page using the Landing Page Editor.
  • Create/Edit a Snippet in the Snippet Editor.
  • Distinguish the difference between draft and approved assets.
  • Distinguish the difference between local and global assets.

Section 3: Defining and Targeting Audiences (33%)

  • Create/Modify Smart Lists.
  • Understand Smart Campaign flow steps.
  • Understand how to schedule and/or activate Smart Campaigns.
  • Interpret Smart Campaign results.
  • Describe the purpose of a segmentation and its use.
  • Identify and navigate the Database.
  • Explain how to set privacy settings in Adobe Marketo Engage.
  • Differentiate between Smart Lists and Static Lists.
  • Define system Smart Lists.
  • Compare and contrast the different types of Smart Campaigns.
  • Understand how Smart Campaign triggers and filters work.
  • Differentiate the different list imports.

Section 4: Analyzing and Building Reports (9%)

  • Explain the standard Adobe Marketo Engage reports and when they should be used (Email Link Performance, Email Performance, Landing Page Performance, People Performance, Program Performance, Web Page Activity, etc.)
  • Comprehend Dashboard information and metrics (Email Program Dashboard, Engagement Program Dashboard)
  • Comprehend Email Insights metrics

Exam Readiness Self-Assessment

Complete the online readiness questionnaire to see if your current experience matches with the minimum candidate qualifications.

Online Sample Questions

The sample questions allow you to see the type and format of items that you will encounter in the actual exam. There is no sign-on needed. The results of the sample questions are not stored, and do not predict your actual test results.

ADO-E555 Adobe Marketo Engage Professional Exam Sample Questions

  • Provide your email address.
  • Answer the candidate agreement.
  • Start the test.
  • Mark your answer in each question.
  • Click Next on the upper portion of the screen to save your answer and move to the next question. You may return and revise your question within the specified time.
  • On the last question, click Submit Exam to submit all your answers.
  • Answer the short survey.

How to Prepare for the Exam

You are not required to complete training before taking the exam, and training alone will not provide you with the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. A combination of training and successful, on-the-job experience are critical to providing you with the repository needed to pass the exam. Here are some suggested resources to help you prepare:

Section 1: Building and Managing Programs

Section 2: Building Assets

Section 3: Defining and Targeting Audiences

Section 4: Analyzing and Building Reports


Please contact the Adobe Credential Program Customer Support team.

The content of this exam guide is subject to changes and updates. Last update February 2023.


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