Caroline Baboon Report

Introduction:  My class is studying animals. My group read about baboons. Baboons live in a dry grassy habitat. We learned a lot about baboons. My report will tell you about what they look like and what they eat. It will also tell you what about their young and other interesting facts. I hope you like my report. Read on to learn more.

Baboons can live in many different places as long as they have food.

Description: From reading the book, I learned what baboons look like. First, a baboon head is shaped like a dog’s with the mouth and nose. The females have no fur. A baboons tail can be up to 3 feet long. I think a baboons are the ugliest thing.

They have a dog-like face.

Food: Like all animals baboons need food to survive. First, baboons are omnivores. That means that they eat meat and plants. Second, baboons eat leaves, fruit, grass and bark. Third, baboons also eat meat like frogs, fish and birds. I wonder if baboons eat each other.

Some eat fruit, some eat meat, some eat both.

Young: Now I will tell you about the young. First, twins are rare because baboons usually only have one baby at a time. Next, a baby baboon does not look like its parents. Last, baboons eyes are open at birth. I wonder if the babies have teeth.

Baby baboons are so cute.

Interesting Facts: Baboons are really very interesting creatures. First, baboons are primates. That means they are mammals that have hands like feet. Next, baboons do not live in Vermont, but they are found in many different parts of Africa. Finally, there are many different names for different types of baboons. I hope I never see a baboon.

Baboons can be weird looking.

Conclusion: I studied baboons. I learned that baboons are born with their eyes open. I think it is interesting that baboons tails can be up to three feet long. I want you to know that you will never see a baboon in Vermont because they live in the rainforest.

Baboons are adorable.
Created with images by katja - "baboon monkey animal" • nick.butcher - "Baboon" • dean.franklin - "Baboon" • belgianchocolate - "baboon" • Hazel Motes - "Baboon" • rafales2008 - "Baboon" • Pixel-mixer - "animals primates dscheladas" • heinzseligenstadt - "baboon baby baboon playing baboon" • cocoparisienne - "monkey monkey family äffchen" • FraukeFeind - "baboon papio hamadryas baboons" • Paolo Camera - "Baboon" • AntoGros - "Baboon Running" • bri-klenner - "tiergarten baboon monkey baby"

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