February Musing Good Work!

Instructions for the 2016 Local Alliance Church Annual Report was e-mailed to each pastor/church on January 10, 2017. The deadline for congregations to complete the Annual Report is February 10. Please encourage your churches to begin working on their reports as soon as possible. The Annual Report Web site went live on Monday, January 9.


"ASAD churches gave 7.6% more to GCF in 2016, and 4.99% more to Mission SAD in 2016.

It is good to be able to celebrate wins every now and then as we travel through this “vallis lacrimarum” a Latin phrase from the church fathers usually translated “vale of tears!” Yes, there is much to weep about in this life but there is also much, because of God’s grace, that we can enjoy and yes celebrate.

One object of our celebration and joy is progress in mission. Annually we evaluate the work done through our churches in the previous year. For 2016, the early returns are very good.

The Alliance South Atlantic District has adopted several shared goals for our community of congregations that represent our shared partnership in the Gospel.

  1. We committed to partner together to increase our corporate engagement in Alliance missions around the world. Our goal for 2016 was to increase our generosity as expressed in Great Commission Ministries by 5%. ASAD churches gave 7.6% more in 2016.
  2. We committed to partner together to increase our corporate engagement in Alliance mission in the Carolinas and Georgia by increasing our generosity as expressed in Mission SAD by 5%. ASAD churches gave 4.99% more in 2016.
  3. We set as a faith goal the addition of 5 new congregations to our district. Working together, we saw 7 new congregations added to our community!

The remaining shared goals relate to our effectiveness in sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Annual congregation reports, DUE BY FEBRUARY 10, will reveal how we did at increasing our professions of faith, baptisms, and participation in discipleship groups. I fully expect that we will demonstrate our commitment to Christ and His mission by reaching these goals as well. WELL DONE faithful leader! Keep praying, keep sharing, keep leading, and keep celebrating!

Next month we will update the progress toward the establishment of Envision Atlanta!

Be Strong and Courageous!


Have you scheduled a missionary for your Missions Emphasis Weekend yet?

Spots are filling up and we have some missionaries only available to our district for a couple of weekends (February is one of those months). If you haven't scheduled, please do so ASAP!

With our new scheduling system it will only take a few moments of your time!

Are you or is your church taking a short-term mission trip this coming year?

Many churches in our District would have members who would like to be a part of a short-term trip but do not have enough people for a full team. If you are willing to include them with your trip or publicize your trip for prayer please email the District Mission Mobilizer at kgerow@sadcma.org.

Have you identified a Church Mission Mobilizer?

If you haven't or have not communicated that with our District Mission Mobilizer, please do at kgerow@sadcma.org (we also have an example job description to help!)

Peacemaker Ministries

There will a peacemaking seminar at Westside Chapel in Greensboro on February 17-18. The seminar will start at 7:00 pm on Friday and conclude at 3:00 on Saturday. The cost will be $10.00, with lunch provided on Saturday. Pastors and lay leaders are encouraged to attend.

Since some church conflict is inevitable, pastors and lay leaders are encouraged to attend.

The GC Women retreating is coming at the end of March. All information is going out digitally. Please click the graphic below to find information and all of the downloads for advertising the event.

With my deepest thanks, Janice Kropp, GCW director


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