"Kobe Bryant" by A.R schaefer November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"On june 14, 2000, the Los Angeles Lakers were playing the Indiana Pacers in the National Basketball Association (NBA) Finals in Indianapolis, Indiana." (p.5)

Based upon the context clues, the word "NBA" means "The pre-eminent men's professional basketball league."

"Lakers guard Kobe Bryant had suffered an ankle injury earlier in the series." (p.6)

Based upon the context clues, the word "suffered" means "experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant."

"Kobe knew his teammates needed him to play his best." (p.6)

based upon the context clues the word"teammates"means, "a fellow member of a team."

"against the Portland Trailblazers.(p.22)

Based upon the context clues the word "against" means"in opposition to."

"NBA pregame statistics" (p.8)

Based upon the context clues the word "statistics" means "the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities."

"On December 17, 1997, the Lakers played the Chicago Bulls at the Professional united center."(p.23)

based upon the context clues the word"Professional "means"of relating to, or connected with a profession."

"Kobe was Confident he grabbed it and put it in the hoop"(p.6)

based upon the context clues the word "Confident" means " feeling or showing confidence in oneself"

"Kobe ankle still hurt occurred in the forth game."

based upon the context clues the word "occurred" means "happen or take place."

Click on the links below to view my vocabulary activities.

Click on the links below to view my https://quizlet.com/128019849/kobe-bryant-by-ar-schaefer-vocab-words-flash-cards Vocabulary Activities


Created with images by compujeramey - "Kobe Bryant Shooting Free Throws" • BasketStreaming - "Nba, preseason: Durant stellare, Jazz ko" • ResoluteSupportMedia - "100412-N-4614W-007" • PublicDomainPictures - "teammate rugby circle" • Leonid Mamchenkov - "Against" • Matti Mattila - "Browser shares" • tpsdave - "tiger woods golf golfer" • Unsplash - "man portrait black and white" • markn3tel - "Minivan into a pond, Drunk Driving Accident"

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