Final Portfolio Thing Alex Green A period 12/8/16

"Zig-Zag Mirage"- Sharpie and Paper

"19'4.5""- Wire and Wood

"Xstravaganza"- Cut Canvas and Paper

"It's Purple"- Paint and Canvas

"Greeeen"- Pencil and Paper

Pablo Picasso- "Girl before a Mirror"- 1932- 5'4" x 4'3"

I notice a point of emphasis on the mirror woman's face because it has a different coloration and is on one of the intersections. I see line, color, shape, texture, value, and space throughout the painting. However I believe texture is most noticble on the bottom of the mirror. This painting makes feel feel calm and mysterious because the cool colors are the subject matter lined with the warm colors giving a serene feeling.

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