The Harn Museum Wyatt Cox

Value: "Faunesse debout" by Auguste Rodin. This piece, and the whole section of neighboring exhibits, was prefaced with a sentiment expressing that women figures in art have been seen to be overly sexualized and objectified to an extent. What struck me about this figure was the position in which it extended the wrist. The figure looks as if it is turning it's head in anticipation of something hitting or striking the wrist. It seemed to be in a vulnerable position which is suggestive of unwilling submission. This makes me think about the injustice the women have faced in art and in life historically. Too often have women been made a sexualized objects to be appreciated as such, while not being appreciated for their other much more admirable characteristics.
Design: Though I am still unsure whether this exhibit was meant to be art or if it was just a roped off part of the museum, the design of the museum surrounding it was noteworthy. As seen in the picture the light was centered on the chairs and the coffee table. Also, the objects in the exhibit were placed directly in the center of the room, under a great opening in the ceiling. Though out of frame of the shot, the ceiling opens in a triangle shape. The end of this opening in the ceiling can not be seen from behind the ropes. It appears endless. It almost seems as if it is a three dimensional maze going upwards toward the sky.
Medium: " Soli Durer Gloria". The medium of this piece is woodcut print. In this technique the artist must carve in to a block of wood the areas in which will appear white on the paper, and leave the surrounding area untouched which will appear black. The artist will then cover the surface of the block of wood with ink and apply it to the paper. What will remain is a black ink print of what was carved in to the block of wood. This is an extremely difficult medium to use and takes a lot of time and skill to carve all the wood correctly. The feelings I get when I look at such an intricately designed wood-piece are astonishment at the complexity and an awe at the work that must have gone in to making something so detailed.
Value: This wooden carving stupa was a component of a larger sculpture at a Buddhist temple entrance. This figure was supposed to be held by the Guardian of the North, which was a powerful warrior typically wearing an elaborate dress. This appeals to my values in several ways particularly my value for protection, power and responsibility. This stupa appealed to those values due to its presence in the grip of the Guardian of the North, who is cherished as a great protector. This would be a symbol that people would worship in thanks for that protection and service. This reminds me of the responsibility that those have who are capable of being powerful. It makes me value the service and duty we all have to our own people.
Created By
Wyatt Cox

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