List of Scholarships: Option 2 Cassie davis

The Girls In STEM Award

This is a good fit for me because I am planning on going into a science major and STEM encourages women and young girls to get more involved in science, technology, engineering, and math, which I plan to, which achieves their goal.

Let Girls Learn Award

I think this is a good fit for me since it relates to my circumstance because I am a girl trying to get a high level of education which is what they want to encourage through this scholarship, I can also offer insight since it is my situation.

The Honest Beauty Award

I am passionate about self love and as a young girl have been influenced by the media about beauty and I feel like I could provide my personal experience for this scholarship since it relates to me and is a good fit for my situation.

The Global Impact Award

I am passionate about travel and other cultures and helping all people, so with this scholarship opportunity I could easily combine my passions with the project requirements.

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