Image By Nicholas Guzman

Most of these photos have been collected over two years, either taken from my phone or one of my photography teacher´s cameras.

Tayler Blee, top and bottom posing in my gas mask and ¨adventure coat¨. The grey clouds and flooded track helped created a more rugged, gloomy background that complimented the gas masked subject well.
Blee in the mask
Auschwitz 1, Jewish concentration camp in Poland.
Poker night with friends
Scruffy looking building at my school, I've never seen anyone do anything with wood though...
Photography 1 picture on Bland's wall (I secretly don't like this one)
A very photogenic prey-mantis
Modesto "Industry" district, good place for getting those messy beaten buildings
Pleasant photo opportunity I ran into while shooting for no reason
Got a bit of that J. J. Abram's lens glare
third world country boy playing with paper bag
I call this one "LSD-Fleur"
Comedian, Cross Country Star, Majestically deep voice, and friend, Dalton Santiesteban
Daniel Gonzalez... Yea that guy... you know how weird he is...
Me with black tongue (took this selfie with about 2 million people around me)

Most of these photos were taken because I was at the right place at the right time, which sums up most of life for me...

The End.

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