Terron's Portfolio fall 2016

I took advanced art because, I have always loved doodling and coloring in my room when I was little. Then when I seen all the amazing art in Mrs. Galyk's room. I had to go in there and learn new media's. ______________________________________

These are my favorite projects that I have finished this year. My glazed turtle, portrait of Paige, and my sunflowers I have sketched. This was my first time glazing and I'm happy with how it turned out in the end. I was scared how it would look but I was happy with it. My other two sketches have shown my improvement of my skills sketching. They used to just be cartoons and now I'm trying to go for more realism.. I feel these projects have turned out the best of the rest of my own projects.


These are the projects I'm not happy with, wish I had more time with, or I am still working on. The water color painting of my eye I am not happy with because I still feel I am having trouble mixing colors and getting the right tone. I have improved mixing colors though since I started in art class. I wish I had more time with the castle because I felt we could have put much more detail into if we had the time. It turned out good for the 3 days we had on it though and how we had to rush. Finally, the project I am still working on, of Paige. I feel it looks very pink and its hard to turn it back to more white and tan. So I must continue to add to it and I feel it will only look better if I work with it. It's one of those projects that comes all together right at a the end. __________________________________________________________________________________

I feel like the two artistic behaviors that I've demonstrated the most improvement in would be in "Develop Art-Making Skills" and in "Creating Original Art". I picked these two because, all year I have been working with new media such as water color, painting and clay which I am not super familiar with. Which I have improved in blending my paints and mixing colors together. Along with trying new types of clay techniques. I picked Creating Original Art too because all year I have worked on my own thoughts and ideas. Not going off of someone else's art projects or ideas.

My goal for this next semester is to finish a big clay project, in particular, an elephant. I've only just begun but I should be able to finish in in the middle of the third 9 weeks. Besides that, I'd like to start finishing up the rest of my projects I have started and some close to completed already. __________________________________________________________________________________

Thee End <3

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