Child Labor Must End An Ethiopian Child's only hope

Malnutrition runs rampant within Ethiopian society due to extreme poverty and inadequate wages for grueling work children often go without food for an extended period of time.

Children are often forced to become scavengers in order to find their next meal.

"Coal Kids" are what children are commonly called, do to their jobs working in a charcoal factory. Their skin is often stained with soot as well as their lungs becoming black from poor air quality.

The United States of America once thought child labor was acceptable, but has since outlawed the practice and worked to abolish it within other countries.

If child labor is abolished within Ethiopia the children will no longer have to suffer from it. Their health will improve as well as their quality of life. They will be able to live as children normally do, instead of being forced to work like adults.

Created By
Sarah Snincsak

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