St. Lucia Explore the wonders of the outdoors

St.Lucia is in the Atlantic ocean. You must see Pigeon island, Reduit beach, and Anse Chastanet are the top three places to go at St.lucia.Castries is the capital of St. lucia. Mount Gimie is 3,117 feet tall. The population is 182,569 and the island is 237 miles from side to side.If you go to St.Lucia but have nowhere to go you can stay at the top two hotels there names are Bay Gardens Beach Resort, and Stonefield Estate Resort.

The rainforests contain zip lines all throughout the forest they go platform to platform the name of the rainforest is St.Lucia rainforest.

The cuisine of St Lucia is influenced by West Indian, Creole and French food. Popular dishes are pepper pot stew, callaloo soup and fried codfish. Shellfish and fish are caught daily. Salt fish is used in a number of recipes. Vegetables include cassava, dashing (taro) and sweet potatoes.
The origins of the name Saint Lucia are lost in history. The commonly held notion that Columbus sighted the island on Saint Lucy's Day, 13 December 1498, is dubious, for there is no good evidence of his "discovery." A more plausible explanation attributes the naming to one of various French visitors during the sixteenth century. It appears that the original designation was "Sainte Alousie," the name used in Father DuTetre's 1664 volume on the Antilles.There are many cultures in St.Lucia.


Created with images by Loimere - "St. Lucia" • Pictures by Ann - "Singing for St. Lucia Day"

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