The Life of Cats Sherlock & watson

This is Sherlock. Sherlock was five weeks old when Lindsey and I got him. He is not your typical household cat. If I think about it, he's kind of dog-like. You can pick up him without him squirming and kicking. So he's pretty chill.

This is Watson. He's Sherlock's brother. We got him at the same time as Sherlock. They were both five weeks old when we got them. Now Watson is the cat you really don't want to pick up abut he is getting better at letting us hold him. I guess you can say he's the only "cat" we have.

They get so fascinated with life outside.

Oh and might I add that they are very photogenic.

....very photogenic.

Created By
Joe Tillman


Joe and Lindsey Tillman

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