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The Photographer Christophe

Hey, my name is Christophe, I'm from France and a few years ago my wife and I decided to storm into the great postdoc adventure... She is the postdoc and I'm the spouse. We had no idea about what would happen but that is the most interesting when you look for new adventures, right?

As a photographer I wanted to talk about that big adventure, but I noticed... Sure, we all know about postdocs, but we never hear about their family and especially from their spouses. So... Tadaaaa! Here are stories about us, our experiences as husbands and wives of travelling young scientists. As the project started I gradually got some support from Caltech and the Caltech International Spouse Club. The goal was to give the women and men (yes, there are some men!) of the Spouse Club a voice and a face. I wish that project can open the eyes of the communities in academia and international spouses on the impact of such an adventure.

I have been lucky to meet with extraordinary people during that project, some became close friends. I particularly want to highlight Amanda Priddle's fabulous work. She joined the project as a writer and gave it a new breath when I was struggling with the writing. Thanks a lot Amanda!

Created By
Christophe Marcade


Christophe Marcade


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