Does your mood affect what you do? Does your mood affect what you do

All of the survey-takers were in the 7-8 grade category.My information is based on teen/pre-teen opinions.
This is the percentage of boy/girl survey-takers. Most of my information is going to be on a male's opinion.
This was to see if it took BIG emotions to change what the survey-takers do.The survey-takers had very different feelings on what affects them mentally.
These are the results for what movie the survey-takers would watch if mad.The top three choices were "Good Burger", "Moana", and whatever movie that they felt like watching.This shows that specifically, Good Burger and Moana are good relaxtion movies.
These are the results for what movie the survey-takers would watch if they were sad.The top three choices were "Minions", "The Secret Life of Pets", and whatever movie that they felt like watching.This shows me that specifically, Minions and The Secret Life of Pets are good positive mood makers.
These are the results for what movie survey-takers would watch if they were happy. The top four choices were "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie","The Angry Birds Movie", "Sing", and whatever movie that they felt like watching.This shows me that specifically, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, The Angry Birds Movie, and Sing are good audience entertainers.
These are the results to see if the survey-takers would help someone in serious danger if they were mad.The information that I got was very different and nobody scored a three.This shows that depending on personality and anger decides weather they would help or not.
These are the results to see if the survey-takers would help someone in serious danger if they were sad.The information shows that people would go and help a person more than they would do it if mad.This shows that sadness gives people a little more heroism than anger.
These are the results to see if survey-takers would help someone in serious danger if they were happy.The information shows that 5 was the dominant answer choice and that nobody scored a two.This shows that happiness brings more heroic acts than anger and sadness.
These are the results for what song survey-takers would listen to if they were mad.The top three choices were "Closer", "The Alphabet Song", and any genre that they felt like listening to.This shows that specifically, Closer and The Alphabet Song are good calm down music.

These are the results for what song survey-takers would listen to if they were sad.Everybody picked any genre that they want to listen to.This shows that when people are sad they listen to whatever they want to listen to.

These are the results for what song survey-takers would listen to if they were happy.The top two choices were ¨Uptown Funk¨ and whatever genre that they felt like watching.This shows that Uptown Funk is a good entertaining song.


Created with images by ARG_Flickr - "Portrheras Cove" • geralt - "leave board hand" • thethreesisters - "Man" • TaniaVdB - "baby tears small child" • Aldertree - "monkey primate zoo" • juldaks - "pet dog cute"

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