What we've learned Photography 1 Vonklan, Cornelius, Chase

Get a film camera
Open it
put film in it
enter the dark room
make sure changing room is locked
in complete darkness, take film out of camera and begin to wind up
using spindle wind up all the film
then put roll inside black container
Add 5 ounces of D-76 mixed with 5 ounces of water to container
let it sit for 5 minute and shake container every minute. the empty liquid into sink
Add 10 ounces of fixer to container
put inside hurricane wash for 3-5 minutes then add film roll to photo flo for 30 seconds
take film off roll
hang it up to dry for 24 hours
Enlarger Group 6
select a piece of film to enlarge
place carefully in disk
place disk inside enlarger
close enlarger
use knobs to adjust focus
use grain focuser to focus image before enlarging
put photo paper on tray when ready to enlarge
after photo is enlarged begin chemical process to reveal photo
place in first tray for 90 seconds or until you believe the photo is ready
when you see the image take it out and put it in the next tray
leave it in the next tray for 30 seconds
put it in next tray for 3-5 minutes
leave in last tray of water for 5 minutes
take paper and walk over to squeegee
squeegee all water droplets off paper
when done with squeegee walk over to dryer
place paper into dryer and wait tell it comes out the other side
when it comes out your photo is finished
Position Objects on Photo Paper
Make sure lights are off while positioning objects
Set timer for 10 seconds
Press button on timer to Expose paper for 10 seconds of light
after paper is exposed to light repeat all previous steps to revealing photo in chemicals
photograms used for masks assignement
other photograms
pinhole camera
lift flap for 10 seconds to let light in to expose paper inside camera
go to dark room and put though chemical cycle
3 point lighting
shutter speed
Story Telling Shoot

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