The siege of the Alamo By Rodrigo chavez

Davy Crokett- was a famous Frontiersman

Jose de Urrea- a mexican general who was headed to Goliad.

James Jim Bowie- he was sent to San Antonio to evaluate the situation.

William B. Travis- was a colonel to raise a force and assist Bowie.

James Bonham- joined the Texas defenders.

Casulties- are those killed, wounded, captured, or missing during battle.

Susanna Dickinson- was the wife of Almeron Dickinson.

Noncombatrants- people who are not involved in fighting.

The end


Created with images by skeeze - "alamo downtown san antonio texas" • AndrewEick - "Walkway leading into Alamo" • skeeze - "texas state flag waving emily morgan hotel"

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