Theseus and the minotaur By: aubre connelly

I will go and kill minotaur.
When I return the ship flag will be white that is how you will know that i am still alive.
When theseus went he had fallen in love with her
And she had given him some rope to kill the minotaur but he must come back for her.
And finally he killed minotaur and left on the ship!!!!!!
but he left her behind and he never saw her again.
But theseus forgot to change the flag to black to white
Theseus's dad thought he had died because the flag was not white so he jumped off a cliff.


Created with images by Ms. Phoenix - "Heart" • sneakerdog - "TheseusMinotaur" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "pirates flag skull" • Etereal9 - "Heart" • Matti Mattila - "Rope" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "pirates flag skull"

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