Colorado Springs I would fly here and it would take 6 hours 10 minutes and up

I would stay at the Staybridge Suites Colorado Springs North.
This is one of the places I want to go to, this is Pike's Peak
This is the Manitou incline. It is steps going up a mountain and then back down.
This is the third place I want to go to this is the Garden of the Gods.
Colorado Springs is known for their Mexican food.


Created with images by Jasen Miller - "Colorado Springs, CO" • zevhonith - "Hotel room" • RescueWarrior - "pikes peak mountain garden of the gods" • brimanning - "The Manitou Incline" • tpsdave - "garden of the gods colorado attractions" • Ray Bouknight - "Fish Tacos, Zocalos #mexican #food"

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