Holy People of the Middle Ages.... By: hailey schwartz

Pope Leo IX

He became the pope on February 12, 1049. He died shortly after returning to Rome, April 19, 1054.

Great Schism of 1054 was split between the Eastern and Western Churches and was led Pope Leo IX.

Pope Leo IX’s travels around Europe earned him the nickname “The Pilgrim Pope”. He succeeded in transforming Roman Papacy.

Leo IX

St. Francis

St. Francis of Assisi said he saw visitors of god the first time when he was very ill.

St. Francis first thought that he was being told he should fight with the crusaders and later found he out that he shall help the sick.

St. Francis died of October 3, 1226. He died because of a great illness and spent a high amount of his life blind.

St. Dominic

St. Dominic’s fellow preachers became a community, he founded a religious house at Toulouse= Order of Preachers.

He sensed the need for the Church to heresy to combat. He was commissioned to preaching.

On his journey to france he became face to face with the Albigensian heresy at Languedoc.


Created with images by judithscharnowski - "jerusalem israel middle east" • moedermens - "Saint Leo IX" • dbking - "Albert Pike" • Bradley N. Weber - "St. Francis Taos" • docoverachiever - "St Francis miniature" • Bradley N. Weber - "St. Francis of Assisi" • Rennett Stowe - "St Dominic" • Ambrose Little - "St. Dominic's" • Ambrose Little - "St. Dominic's Ambo"

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