Marie Geoffrin 1699-1777

Marie Geoffrin Quotes

"Do not allow grass to grow on the road of friendship".

"The fist step is the hardest"

"All is well when we seek only the will of Jesus"

Marie Therese Geoffrin was the daughter of Pierre Rodet and Angelique Therese Chemineau.

She was born on June, 26.

She was the daughter of a valet and she was orphaned as a child, which led to her grandmother, Mme Chemineau, having to raise her.

Her grandmother prepared her religiously, morally, and socially for society. Since she was a female in the eighteenth century she wasn't able to get education.

At the age of fourteen in 1713, her grandmother made sure she got married to fifty year old, Peter Francis Geoffrin, who was a wealthy manufacturer.

Two years later she gave birth to her first child, Marquise de la Ferte Imbault. Two years later she also had a son who later died as a young child.

In 1749, her husband died.

By the time she was 30 years old she established her salons.

Marie Geoffrin's popularity in the mid-eighteenth cenutry increased when she when the center of social life changed from the French Court to salons of Paris.

The French Court really big and brought a lot of attention to itself with trying to fight for power.

She was know for being one of the best, most hardworking ladies in all of Paris.

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