Physics Project 2 By: Zaneerah Zaheer


My aim was to find the change in three objects' motion depending on mass and force applied using Newton's first and second laws.

"An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force (inertia)."
Force = mass * acceleration


My hypothesis is that the objects with more mass with the same force applied will have more velocity.

Controlled Variable: Force Applied

Independent Variable: Mass, Distance

Dependent Variable: Velocity

I used a tennis ball, a volleyball, and a basketball to roll on the ground. In order from smallest to largest mass, I worked with my partner to roll the balls. Here's a video:

The bigger the mass was of the objects, the further they went. I think that if friction wasn't a part of the experiment, it would have had different results. I made a distance versus time graph to see the change depending on mass.

The bars are big depending on the mass.

Here's a free body diagram that I created for balanced and unbalanced forces acting on the balls:

Balanced v. Unbalanced


In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct in the fact that the bigger mass would have a greater force. I was a little surprised that the bigger masses went further because I thought that the friction would act greater upon them. The free body diagrams showed that the applied force is what made the object move and the graph showed that the change in the mass changed the distance a lot.

The velocity and chart used to measure.


Created with images by winnifredxoxo - "balance scale" • Brad.K - "two balls in my backyard." • Freeimages9 - "ball racket white" • Hans - "spherical ball joint pendulum balls"

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