Education -For Minorities, Refugees, the Poor -

-Individuals Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that states schools have to provide educational needs for eligible students with disabilities. In America children with disabilities get many opportunities for very high quality education. Everybody has the opportunity to go to elementary school, middle school, and high school. A study shows that 31% of children with disabilities attend some kind of collage.

-In 2014-2015 there was a high school graduation rate of 83%. Those 17% of kids don't want to get a better education but they still got an equal chance. Every kid gets an equal chance to go to elementary school, middle school, and high school. If a kid wants to go to collage but lives in a poor family they will just have work hard for the money or work for a scholarship. It will only build there character.

-In America we are very lucky to have equal chances for men and women to go to school. In some countries like Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan women get little to no chance to getting an education. For example in Afghanistan nine out of ten women are illiterate and over half of the women in Pakistan are not educated.

In america refugees get a chance to go to school. But for most countries it is hard to get these kids educated. A study shows that nearly two-thirds of young aged refugees do not attend school. One of the main problems that is causing this to happen is in most of these countries they are having a hard time educated there own kids let alone these refugees due to space and funding.

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