Vivid Hair Design IBD graphic design Vivid meeting NORTHAMPTON 17th January 2017

Intro :

Hello I'm Raffaele... I hope you like the app I designed for you, I'm sure there are a lot of changes that you would like to make.

My Questions: If we can work through the app sections discuss content, colours Images, text, loyalty promotions, etc. Is there anything that you would like to add, media, links?

Loyalty Section : promotions with points, they can redeem on other services came to mind as i wrote this , a great way to keep a loyal customer base.

  • shopping baskets require PayPal accounts

Payments: we'll send you an invoice for the App design, you have 30 days in which to pay, during which time I'll be redesigning and personalising your app to beta stage prior to publishing, once payment is received we will publishing it to the google play (live on google play within 14 Days) and apple app store. (it can take as long as 30 Days to get your app published on apple app store)

I think you'll like what I've done, so please take a look and let me know your thoughts, feel free to contact me and we can grab a coffee and discuss your app design and requirements. Tel: 07725 899925

You will need to download preview app to your mobile phone to view the app I've created for you. After downloading the app you can login using the "vividha" no password is required, and you can view the demo app I've designed for you.

IBD Graphic Design - Meadow House - 60 - NN188JP - 07725899925 - Email:

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