Heresies James Galante, Chris Carillo, Paul Igel, Eddie Stankewick, Tim Derby, Tristan Poisson, Anthony Zisa, Riley McBride, Connor O'Brien

How They Broke Away From the Church


Rejected free will (everyone was predestined either for salvation or damnation)

Only the predestined (the select few): receive salvific grace, will be saved, had Christ die for them (not for all), could receive penance, and could receive communion.

For everyone else, they were already damned so performing these sacraments could not help them

The soul is a slave to the effects of Original Sin


Rejected free will (everyone was predestined either for salvation or damnation)

Only the predestined (the select few): receive salvific grace, will be saved, had Christ die for them (not for all), could receive penance, and could receive communion.

For everyone else, they were already damned so performing these sacraments could not help them

The soul is a slave to the effects of Original Sin


Authority was vested in Ecumenical councils

Rejected power of Pope as the Vicar of Christ

Denied the Pope of the ability to speak on morality (secularism)

Wanted German bishops to be cut off from Rome


Authority was vested in Ecumenical councils

Rejected power of Pope as the Vicar of Christ

Denied the Pope of the ability to speak on morality (secularism)

Wanted German bishops to be cut off from Rome

Church Response


Condemned by Pope Innocent X (1653)-- used the teachings from the Council of Trent

Council of Trent stated: God wills for everyone to be saved (provided free will), Penance granted grace of forgiveness, and Communion purified the soul of venial sin and provided strength against mortal sin

Continued to spread throughout France despite being condemned

Louis XIV took matters into his own hands to suppress the heresy-- stopped pilgrimages to Convent of Port Royal


Condemned by Louis XIV and Pope Innocent XI (1687)


Condemned by Pope Clement XIII

Few bishops took his arguments, for independence from the church, seriously

Every bishop but one pledged allegiance to Rome

Febronius reconciled with the Church before his death


Joseph II failed with his policies and was left to turn to the pope for help

Nature of Each Heresy


Calvinistic-- supported predestination and that some were born, already pre-known by God to be damned or receive salvation


Secularism-- rejects the morals that the church teaches and the necessity of having a relationship with God


Conciliarist-- believed in authority of ecumenical councils over the pope

Nationalistic-- nationalized the church


Nationalistic-- Complete micromanagement of the church. Placed his office in charge of the appointment of papal documents. Cut off monasteries from Rome


Deism vs Supernatuural Religion

Deism is a philosophy (A philosophy can speak about God, but describing Him as intervening through divine revelation is a religion)

Denies divine revelation and a supernatural God

Deism and The Universe

God “winds up” the universe, creating a system involving laws and principles, and observes the universe govern itself

Watch-Maker God

Deism Knowledge and Understanding

Deism involves a rationalistic principle-- only believes what can be proved through reason


What is Freemasonry?

A secret fraternal organization which spread rationalistic ideas

It is against organized religions, especially Catholicism

Freemasonry and Deism

Both support rationalism where you doubt an idea unless it can be proved

Both philosophies since they don't support a supernatural God

Deism and Atheism

Deism is different from Atheism since Atheism completely rejects that there's a God while Deism does believe in a God

Deism and Agnosticism

They both believe that there needs to be proof for what they believe, but Deism does believe in a God while Agnosticism believes that God possibly exists but they need proof

Deism and Secular Humanism

They differ since Deism believed that God created laws and principles for the universe to be governed by while Secular Humanism believed in an amoral world where the morality and guidelines of God don't apply

Deism in The Future

As a group, we believe that Deism will threaten the church since it demands rationalistic ideas (proof) towards the church and God. As science has progressed and continues on forward, people will stray from scripture and tradition from the church and rely solely on new scientific developments about the universe (what they need to understand is that the Church supports science).


Chris - how they broke away from the Church

James - The Church's Response

Tim - Nature of Each Heresy

Connor/Paul - Deism vs Supernatural Religion > Deism Knowledge and Understanding

Riley/Eddie - What is Freemasonry? > Deism and Atheism

Anthony/Tristan - Deism and Agnosticism > Deism in The Future


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