Bonaire from the Cruise Terminal at Kralendijk Photography by Robert Neff

Nov 2, 2016. The cruise terminal is conveniently located in downtown Kralendijk. The tourist information and taxi stand are right outside the cruise terminal.

When finished, continue on to enjoy more Bonaire photo stories.

The cruise terminal and city from the ship.
Klein Bonaire is an undisturbed island located off Kralendijk.
Golf carts can be rented to explore the island. Most roads are twolane roads to connect the six villages. Out on the island many roads are one lane.
The pier offers great views of sailboats moored in Caribbean blue water.
Here are the things to see!
I had just spent two days photographing Venice and boarded the train for Milan for another two days of travel photography. After I found my seat, I was sound asleep before we left the station.

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Created By
Robert Neff


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