Developing as a writer English 150-045

As I took a semester of English 150-045 I've gotten a lot better at writing. We did free writes, short writes and wrote unit essays. Peer reviewing and getting feedback from the teacher and my classmates were very helpful.

This is a in class photo where Keegan is asking Professor Pavletic questions about his Unit 4 Draft.

Asking questions is a very important thing to do in not just classes but in the real world also. Asking questions gives us a clear definition of problems and expectations. Asking questions could also help your communication skills. It also can encourage deeper reflection and better learning processes.

This is Katlin listening and paying attention in class to get an better understanding on how to do our unit 3 paper.

Paying attention and listening in class in extremely important. By doing those in class it shows a student's willingness to put forth their best effort. Paying attention in class is also a sign of respect. For example, talking to others or playing with electronic devices, the teacher may become aware of the actions as disrespect or unwillingness to learn.

This is a picture of Deyonte is the process of finishing his McGraw Hill Connect.

McGraw Hill Connect is a great learning tool. McGraw was very helpful towards writing. It teaches your all of your punctuation, sentence structures, grammar and etc.

Cole , Doug and Unique are working together and reviewing each other's unit 4 draft

Peer reviewing and receiving feedback is one of the most important things for writing. Effective feedback, either positive or negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important decisions when editing your paper.

Kyamauri was revising her unit 4 papers

The outcome of her revising her papers was for editing and checking punctuation. Punctuation is extremely important. In fact, this feature gives meaning to the written word. Much like pauses and changes in tones of the voice when speaking. An error in punctuation can convey a completely different meaning to the one that is intended.

In this picture John, Savannah, and Deandre are displaying how to work effectively with others.

It is important to work with your group members. Teamwork is usually between students and between students and teacher. The more teamwork displayed, the more opportunity exists.

This is a photo of the class free writing.

Free writing could be very helpful. Free writing is a writing technique when a person writes continuously for a set period of time. During free writes you don't regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. It helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism.

This group was working on their advertisement assignment

The outcome is they could understand what people value through the advertisements they were looking through. Using different resources could be very helping, as looking through magazines and newspapers rather looking for information online.

Unique using the library wisely

Using the library is one of the most important things to do, unless you have an laptop. Most students with laptops still use the library. The library is used for many different reasons such as studying alone, using online databases and etc.

By taking English 150-045 my freshmen year was very helpful for me. I've learned a lot of new things to help me develop as a writer. I've learned that receiving feedback could be very important because it could help you edit your mistakes and make it more clear for the audience. I've learned different sentence structures, punctuation, grammar, and etc. Free writing was also helpful because it helps you push yourself to keep writing and ignore your mistakes. Paying attention shows your respect. Asking questions helps you get a better understanding of things. That's how important the class was and how influenced my writing.


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