Women of the Revolution By: Nandhini Ravishankar

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley was an incredibly accomplished woman who contributed a lot to the American cause during the Revolutionary War. In the beginning, she was a slave to the Wheatley family. However, the children in that family taught her how to read and write. She discovered that she liked writing poems, and made that her full time job. She wrote poems about learning and virtue and read them in public for all to hear. She also helped the Revolutionary War effort by writing patriotic poems. She even got to read one of her poems about George Washington to him, in person. She was granted her freedom in 1778, when the Wheatley family passed away/left the colonies.

Martha Bratton

Martha Bratton was one of the more aggressive partakers in the Revolutionary War. Her official title was an arsonist - she blew a storehouse up, consequentially causing a lot of injuries and deaths. However, we call her a heroine because she did this for her country. She and her husband were in charge of a precious good, gun powder. However, when her husband was away, Martha received news that the British were planning to steal the gun powder. To protect herself and the powder, she set a trap that blew up a good number of British soldiers. Afterwards, she realized the horrible effects of the war, and opened up a hospital for both British and American soldiers.

Molly McCauley (Molly Pitcher)

Molly McCauley was one of the women that went to war with her husband. She helped the soldiers out by cooking for them, sewing their clothes, and providing them with help, so that they could fight their best. However, one day, it was burning hot outside. Many people had fainted, and even more were on the verge of passing out. So Molly ran to and from a nearby stream delivering water to the soldiers, earning the nickname "Molly Pitcher". Then, she saw her husband get shot in the arm! After making sure he wouldn't die, she manned his cannon herself, surviving some near death experiences. She was pretty talented at it, and her bravery impressed the soldiers. They fought with more courage, and the British retreated. George Washington himself crowned her "Sergeant Molly Pitcher".

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Nan Rav


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