London The greatest city in the world

London has been described as the making of people and the most amazing city and inspiration in the world. One man called Oscar Wilde said 'The man who dominates a London dinner table can dominate the world'. 'The most greatest people were made in London'-Unknown

.London is the centre of architecture and the centre of everything. The greatest city in the word.'

Everyone has heard of the world famous buildings such as the houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge over the Thames. These beautiful buildings can inspire you by just looking and them and by looking at them it reminds you of what people can create.

Tower Bridge in the background of London Bridge.

The country of England is alone known for the greatness from its Empire to the Industrial Revolution. London was the centre of it all and the people living in London are the people who made these things. The great masterminds behind electronics for example lived in London their whole life. Before the 20th century, London was the capital of the world.

London is also the home to the modern life, not just the history. It homes some of the most famous buildings/skyscrapers in the world including the Shard and the Gerkin

'The powerhouse of the world'- Unknown

'This city has run a country which has won both world wars and struggled through situations any other capital of failed'-Unkown

Created By
Joshua Clift


Created with images by derwiki - "london parliament england" • Becca Swift - "North London skyline" • luxstorm - "london eye thames england" • Dun.can - "London Skyline"

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