My Digital Story By Scarlett Trathan

Me (Elena) used to wish for a new car, money, clothes. Now all I wish for is to be happy but I'm not going to dwell.
Our town library...

I was at the town library passing time like usual reading another book after another with every single one reminding me of Julia. The only thing separating me from being happy however it's not her fault it's mine and it was since the 3rd of August 2015.

When I saw the time I got up in a rush because I was late for dinner, I shoved everything in my bag and rushed out hitting into a boy about my age.
I dropped everything, the day kept getting worse...

This boy however was not like normal boys as I dropped everything he just waited until there was only a few things left for me to pick up, that's when he bent down and helped me pick up my pen. Once we got up I said there was no need to pick that up. He said 'My pleasure, I'm Finn and your Elena' I went to say how do you know my name. He just said bye and winked then just walked away. He was different not a bad nor good just different...


Created with images by thethreesisters - "Vintage girl" • DzeeShah - "beautiful girl smiling" • -Marlith- - "Library" • el7bara - "صروف الوقت و الدنيا تهول" • Snufkin - "bag leather goods accessories"

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