Social Work By EMILY EVANS

Daily Tasks: You may go to court as a surrogate parent, you identify people in need and help them, you help people to get out of bad situations and put them into better ones, you can help the children and adults cope with there situations.

Work Schedule: You may have a contract eight to five work day. However, in some cases you are on call and you may be called out at three in the morning or ten o'clock at night. You really have no off time due to the fact that you can be called out at anytime.

Education Needed: You need a college degree; preferably in Social Work.

Work Skills Needed: Empathy, patience, good communication skills, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, and time management skills are all important skills needed in this work field.

Salary: Median in 2015 was $45,900

Work Environment: You will have an office. However, you will be working in all kinds of different places. You will go to peoples houses, to schools, to hospitals, to different agencies, hospitals, etc.

Issues: This is a field that can become emotionally drowning. You need to be able to put your opinions and emotions aside and do what is best for the child/children in question. It is also to clock out at five and not think about the kids or the people that you spend your day helping. You never get a real time to by off because you may get called out or be dealing with on ongoing investigationĀ even when you are off work.

Benefits: You get the satisfaction of saying that you spend your days helping kids out of bad situations and give them a future worth pursuing. You have the pleasure to make children's lives better and while it can be a hard process, it is very rewarding to see your works turned into the child living a happy and healthy life. You also have a long career stability because there will always be a need for social workers.

How Do You Help Children and Families: As a social worker, you may break up some families. However, you assemble families that are healthy and loving, like every child deserves. You get to see first hand the reward of your trials.

This is what being a social worker is all about.

This video shows that social workers don't always swoop in to take a child away from there family, they help the family unit. They help the parent to change and the children to stay safe. If this can't be done without removal of the child/children, than the most known step of the process is taken.

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