The Amazing World the world that is converged by many cultures

As we know, human civilization began in Africa at least 7 million years ago, according to scientists but there is no exactly when. Humans lived in tribes, groups of people. It was the home of the first tools, astronomy, jewelry, fishing, mathematics, crops, art, use of pigments, cutting and other pointed instruments and animal domestication. Then people moved to other continentals for better conditions and resources of food.

The old world was divided into 6 ancient civilizations, They are: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, China, Central Andes and Mesoamerica.

When human got smarter and developed, territorial division happened, the old world was divided into 6 main countries: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, China, Central Andes and Mesoamerica.

America formed in the 18th century
America is known as religious freedom.

America is sort of a young country formed in the 18th century from British colony. American culture is a mix of many cultures in the whole world. Nearly every known religion is practiced in the United States, which was founded on the basis of religious freedom. About 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. American food was influenced by European countries and native American. Today, there are a number of foods that are commonly identified as American, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips, macaroni and cheese. For art, The United States is widely known around the world as a leader in mass media production.

Hamburger, Hot Dog and Potato chips are known as American foods.
The largest studio in the world

Africa is the continental consists of more than 50 countries and tribes. 2 major religions of Africa are Christianity and Islam. There are more than 2000 languages are spoken in Africa. In some tribes, they have some interesting ritual such as when a man wants to marry a woman, he kidnaps her. African arts and craft include sculpture, weaving, beading, painting, pottery, jewelry, headgear and dress. The common themes found in art include women, couples, children, animals, man with a weapon, or a combination of these .

Two major religions in Africa are Christianity and Islam.
African art
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Brazil is the 5th biggest country in the world

Brazil is the only south American country that their official language is Portuguese. Brazilian way of life was influenced by native Americans, Africans and Portuguese, especially Africans including traditional food, religions, music and dance. Christianity is the major religion in Brazil. Samba is the most popular and interesting dance in the Brazil. Brazil is known as King of football by winning World Cup for 5 times. Brazilian arts focus on Neoclassical and Romantic.

Chapel of São Francisco, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Something or one we may know about Brazil

Japan is the eastern country of Asia. Etiquette is really important in Japan, Japanese believe that turning down someone's request causes embarrassment and loss of face to the other person. In fact, Japanese never gives their seat to other people on the train or bus because they believe that is an insult to person who receives. Shinto and Buddhism are the 2 major religions in Japan. Japanese education is the 2nd rank in the world, Japanese children are taught to act harmoniously and cooperatively with others from the time they go to preschool.

Etiquette is very important in Japan
Some Japanese inventions
United Kingdom

United Kingdom is comprised of 4 countries : England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The term “British” and “English” don’t mean the same thing. British is someone who is from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland; English is someone specifically from England. As a nation, the British tend not to use superlatives and may not appear terribly animated when they speak. Privacy is extremely important that they do not choose to put them on public display. We may not see British kissing and hugging or even put their arm in other’s shoulder in public. The question “where are you from” shouldn’t be asked in UK because it may be viewed as an attempt to place a person on a social or class scale.

Kissing. hugging are not seen in public

Australia is the continent that has the smallest number of population. Australia were discovered at least 40.000 years ago by aborigines. The number of aborigines currently is 670.000. There are more than 300 languages are spoken by Aborigines. The main religion in Australia is Christianity. It is interesting to travel in Australia, there are more than 10000 beaches in Australia than we can visit, to pass the desert, they use camels. Tourists usually buy a cheap old car to travel then sell it when they leave in order to save money. In Australia, there are more Kangaroos than people.

Australian Aborigines

The original inhabitants of the continent of Australia took up residence there at least 40,000 years before Europeans landed at Botany Bay in 1788. In 1788, the Aborigines were clearly the majority, numbering around 300,000. In the late 1990s, they were a minority struggling to claim rights to their traditional lands. They also seek money for lost lands and resources. Relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia have not been very good. There is a great deal of resentment on the part of many Aboriginal people for the treatment their ancestors received from the European colonists

Some things we may know about Australia
The city of Melbourne, Australia, used to be called Batmania.
Created By
Dan Tranc



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