100 Years of Giving Back our inspiring Harvey tradition

The Harvey School was born with a gift.

In 1916 Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Carter dedicated their country farmhouse, complete with family furnishings, to launch a new school.

For 100 years, trustees, alumni, and families have sustained the school through their generosity.

When freeway construction pushed Harvey from its original campus in 1959, trustee Frank A. Weil ’44 arranged for his family farm to become our Katonah home.

Harvey teachers have devoted themselves to inspiring students…

and advancing their success.

Students are grateful for their Harvey education. Stimulated by the support of an entire community…

students challenge themselves in the classroom, on the athletic field, and on the stage.

Every day students give back through service and leadership in numerous ways.

Day by day…

year after year…

decade upon decade, Harvey has grown through the contributions of those who believe...

John G. Davis ’50 memorialized his Harvey youth with a generous bequest that built new tennis courts this summer.

in the power of a small school to bring students endless possibilities.

Be a part of Harvey history today.

Your Annual Fund gift sustains our longstanding tradition of investing in Harvey students.

For more about how your contribution helps, employer matching programs, or how to donate stocks and securities, please contact Laura Prichard, Director of Development at 914.232.3161 ext. 145 or lprichard@harveyschool.org.

Gifts of all sizes are appreciated and make a difference. Thank you for making The Harvey School a priority.

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