Go-Kart Project Ian Lundin

Problem Statement: For this project we must build a drill powered Go-Kart out of a sheet of 3/4 plywood and a 18V drill, And it has be able to turn, accelerate, and brake. Once built the Go-Kart will have to be tested for its acceleration and top speed, Then on how well it can turn and control on the courses, Then it must be tested for its fuel or in this case drill powered efficiency. The time allocated for this project is from now till the end of the school year. We have a $25 budget for anything we need such as wire, wheels etc.

Research: Image 1Image 2

The two images above were used to inspire our design for our Go-Kart by providing us ideas for the seating and steering along with a way to do the brakes and acceleration with the use of gears.

Design: Below our just two of many design sketches used to plan out the Go-Kart.

The first sketch shows in detail how our chassis will be planned out and what spaces are used for what and how things will connect to the chassis itself. The second sketch depicts how we shall steer the Go-kart.

While going through the stages of designing this Go-Kart, each day we set a goal to meat by the end of the working period. Here are the goals for each day.

The process of the building and assembling the chassis is complete the only thing left to be added is the steering and the wheels themselves with the drill being left last.

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