e Safety By khw and pc

This is a site that will show you how to be safe online. Read on to find out about esafety.

This girl is obviously getting cyber bullied and is getting called hurtful things
She told an adult all the hurtful things people were saying about her and he agreed to sort it out
All these comments would not stop so they had to get the police involved
The police tracked the phone which the comments were coming from and soon knew they were
Now she is safe and is not getting anymore hurtful things

Catfishing is a form of cyber bulling. It could put you and your family in danger. It is caused when a stranger pretends to be someone their not. For example you could have someone pretending to be you and putting inappropriate things on the account. That will get you into trouble and not them. They could also pretend to be a family member. The can own all these accounts on one computer. So be aware.

Phishing is another form of cyber bullying. This is slightly more dangerous because people phish for personal details like name, address, bank details and phone numer/email.

This is trolling, it is a form of cyber bullying. It is when a person starts calling you name and saying negative things about you. These negative things could hurt you mentally more than physically.

These teenagers could just be hanging out and then all of a sudden they could get an inappropriate photo. This could wreck their brain and could change their way of life.

This sign is VERY important when playing a game. Most games that are 16 are violent so don't play a game if you are under the age limit.

This is very important when it comes to being online

Stay safe- keep your account private and don't give out personal information.


Don't meet up- if someone you don't know ask you to meet up with them DONT. You don't know what you are walking into. The person behind the screen might not be the same as the person on the picture.


Accepting files - only accept family and friends. If you follow anyone one else it can be very dangerous.


Reliable - don't open links your u have never heard about. If you know anyone can write on a website like wiki then don't use it.


Tell someone - tell an adult if you are being cyber bullied. The people you can tell are parents ,teachers and police.

This is Instagram. It is for 13 or over. It is 13+ because there is inappropriate thing that can be bad for young children.

This is musically. People use it to lip sync to their favourite songs. This app can be dangerous because they would know what you would look like and you could do one and show your school badge so they know what school you go to

This is lively. It is used hen people want to do a public vlog

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