The Divine Play Lauren Butler *Photo taken by Lauren Butler*

The Spatial Experience Photo taken by Lauren Butler using a snap chat filter.

The overall experience of walking into the theater was fun to me. I love opportunities to dress up and go to a play so I was actually excited to come watch. Sometimes I worry I lose the cultural experience of attending UF since I am a junior in the Biology major but this quickly restored it. I came with my BFF Kahtia and we got had good seats since we were early. I felt that aided to our experience and allowed us to pay close attention. When the lights dimmed I was excited to see how well the actors would preform as I have never been to a play at UF prior.

The Social Experience *Photo taken by Lauren Butler, myself*

I attended the performance with my best friend Kahtia. She asked me what should we wear and I told her we should dress up because that is what people typically do when they attend performances. When we got there we noticed we were the only two that dressed up but I do not regret it one bit. It was really good to go to the play with someone you know because we were able to get each others take on it. I believe we both enjoyed the play but we both thought it should have started a little earlier if it was going to be that long.

The Cultural Experience *Photo taken by Kahtia Johnson and used with her permission*

When I was at the play a lot of different thoughts popped into my head. Unfortunately, I didn't really know too much about what this play would be but I was interested the whole way through. The play emphasized once again on social inequality and injustice. The play didn't necessarily change my views on the matters presented but more so verified them. For example, I knew that child labor was brutal during this time and the mistreatment was unjust and needed some altering. The play did make me relate to what was happening, as the woman discussed how her two nephews were killed last week. It was mind-blowing that she was still working it made me realize that this wasn't just a story out of a textbook. This was real life and I worry that sometimes I forget that because i hear about something versus actually seeing it in person.

The Emotional Experience *Photo taken by Kahtia Johnson and used with her permission*

My experience of "coming clean" occurred when the woman's son was trapped underneath and was pounding/begging for help but no one opened the latch until it was too late. Sometimes I worry that I don't speak out enough or quickly enough and that circumstance made me realize my own flaws. If they would have let him out and obeyed authority he could have still been alive and heading to school. It is important to realize when speaking out is necessary even if it means compromising ourselves.


Lauren Butler and Kahtia Johnson

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