Things you should know about Hiking Ken Williams

1.Where to hike

No matter where you are there will always be a hike nearby. If you're wondering were you should hike you should take in consideration your physical shape, the trail difficulty, how far and how strenuous of a hike you prefer to do. If you're a beginner start with a hike 1 mile or less. For a moderate hiker I would suggest 3-4 miles at the most. For an expert anything you feel comfortable with is good. To find out where to hike use The Outbound app on the app store. It looks at your location and gives you near by hikes with filtering to chose how hard and when the best time to go, as well as reviews from actual people that have hiked there.

2.When to hike

You can hike any season, depending on how hard, cold, hot, and what you want to do well you're hiking. Another big factor is what climate where you are wanting to hike in is like. If you have snow gear and snowshoes to do a snow hike make sure you're an experienced hiker and know what you're getting into. Some places you can hike year around with the sun shining and a high temperature depending on the climate of the area you are wanting to hike at.

3.How to hike

Depending on the length, intensity, and type there are few different techniques. If your hike is in the winter there is most likely going to snow depending on the seasonal climates. This means you will have to use snow shoes that help you stay on top of the snow you're hiking on. If your hiking in the summer, spring, or fall you can expect no snow so you will hike with normal hiking conditions. The day before your hike always drink as much water as you can to prevent from dehydration and getting altitude sickness. Always remember to get a good and hardy meal with lots of protein before the hike to give you the energy you need. Many people use walking poles to help with balance and energy. When getting over 13,000 ft you will probably have to boulder at some point. Bouldering is where you jump, hop, and walk over rocks and boulders.

4.What you'll need

What you pack when you go hiking is crucial, and having some things is a safety importance. Where ever and when ever you're hiking you should always have water, food, a means of communication, and first aid supplies. When packing a good rule of thumb is get what you think you would need and double it because you will always run out of something you wouldn't think you would need more of. If you're going on a easy to moderate hike it would be just fine if you wore normal tennis shoes, but will be easier if you have hiking shoes. Another big need you wouldn't think about is sun screen no matter the climate or weather. Anything can happen and there is a good chance someone will start bleeding somehow so you should always have at least a medical cleaning product/wet wipes, different sized band aids and/or gauze.

5.What to wear

If you're hiking in a warm pants may not seem like a good idea but they are. When hiking you will most likely walk through poisonous bush and there will probably be ticks, which pants protect both of them. Also a long sleeve shirt and a light jacket just in case. If its a rainy climate a poncho is also a good thing to have. A hat and sunglasses are a smart thing to have also. If you're hiking a 14,000 foot or above mountain remember to dress in layers because it will be cold on the peak. On winter hikes you should wear layers and dress very warm.

6.What is a hard hike

A hard hike is dependent on the weather, where you are, the distance, the altitude increase, and the terrain of your hike. If the trail you are hiking is muddy, snowing, or anything other than dry dirt your hike may be harder and more dangerous than expected. Over five miles is a pretty difficult hike and should be attempted by people in prime shape and experienced hikers. Anything above 14,000 feet is pretty hard because there is usually all up hill and when you pass the tree line it makes the altitude makes it harder to breath because the air is thinner than what you're used to.

7.Whats an easy hike

An easy hike is always good for beginners and is just a fun little stroll for experienced hikers. An easy hike is usually shorter than two miles and has very little up hill and may have down hill. For a hike to be classified as easy there will not be much elevation gain. The terrain will usually be just a dirt or even concrete trail with little to no rocks or ankle breakers on the trail. These trails will usually be crowded and used often.

8.Why should you hike

There are so many reasons to hike and why you'll fall in love with doing it. Hiking allows you to be outside and fall in love with nature without the distractions of technology and life. It is one of the best ways to stay in shape and will always keep you happy and healthy. If you don't like going to the gym you can just go on a hike and build more muscle than you would at a gym! After you're big hike you will be able to tell how good of a work out you got when you can barely move because you're so sore. Although it may physically hurt it will always feel amazing mentally.


Created with images by Unsplash - "mountains landscape nature" • Pexels - "landscape mountains nature" • Pexels - "adventure cold hiking" • Pezibear - "landscape mountains mountain peaks" • lorenkerns - "Hike" • Pexels - "adventure clouds hike" • Mot the barber - "untitled image" • holgerheinze0 - "new zealand path trail" • adpowers - "Hiking"

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